Item 19


Group by Average Revenue Produced Number of reporting franchisees Average Gross Revenue Produced Average Gross Revenue Landed Leads Proposals Average Job Size Success rate Slipping rate Gross Margin
Top 10% 11 $3,292,848 $3,552,602 1,394 788 $8,151 57% 41% 45%
Top 25% 27 $2,276,311 $2,457,131 1,323 638 $7,993 49% 49% 46%
Top 50% 55 $1,655,619 $1,763,753 1,148 503 $8,380 42% 55% 46%
Bottom 50% 54 $557,332 $587,071 578 230 $7,529 54% 45% 44%
Bottom 25% 27 $394,610 $405,680 463 188 $6,524 41% 51% 44%
Bottom 10% 11 $297,274 $305,706 419 176 $5,959 37% 53% 45%
All Reporting Franchisees 109 $1,111,515 $1,180,809 865 367 $7,958 41% 54% 45%
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